The North Dakota Uniform Limited Liability Company Act requires LLCs to file annual reports each year. Here are the deadlines you need to know about annual report filing deadlines:
November 15: Annual Report Filing Deadline. If your LLC files its annual report before this deadline, the filing fee will be $50.00 and your LLC will keep its “Good Standing” status. If you miss the Annual Report Filing Deadline, your LLC will be put in “Not Good Standing” status. Losing good standing status means your LLC will not be able to be a party to the legal process.
May 15, of the following year (6 months after Annual Report Filing Deadline): Involuntary Termination Deadline. If your LLC files its annual report before the involuntary termination deadline, your LLC will have to pay $100.00 ($50 filing fee plus $50 late fee). Your LLC will be in “Not Good Standing” status until the filing is made. If your LLC misses this deadline, your LLC will be involuntarily terminated. Termination may invalidate other licenses held by the LLC, including a contractor’s license. N.D.C.C. § 43-07-04.
May 15 of the year after (12 months after Involuntary Termination Deadline): Reinstatement Deadline. If your LLC files its annual report before the Reinstatement Deadline, your LLC will have to pay $185 ($50 filing fee plus $135.00 reinstatement fee). N.D.C.C. § 10-32.1-89(3). Your LLC will be considered involuntarily terminated until the filing is made. If your LLC misses this deadline, then you no longer can reinstate your LLC administratively. You’d have to petition the court for reinstatement. N.D.C.C. § 10-32.1-91(b). This is costly.
Don’t miss your annual report deadlines. Call SW&L’s Business Law Group to help you keep your LLC in good standing and your LLC’s minute book updated.